
Hello, I'm Hoekstra — a digital product/UX designer, typography enthusiast, technology evangelist, speaker, and motorcyclist.

Currently, in the process of restructuring life together with my significant other. Previously founded a startup — bubblit, Sr. Product Designer on Design Systems at Postman & CI/CD Product Designer at GitLab.

As a technical designer, I am invested in developer operations such as Git, continuous integration and deployment, and cross-functional design system management. Optimising for the collaboration within the triad of PM, UX, and Engineering to best drive the product forward.

I specialize in working for remote-only companies. Working daily with a team of people across various locations and time zones means that you need to optimise how you collaborate and get things done. I elaborate on this in my personal readme which is available online to anyone asynchronously.

Right now, I live and work remotely from Barcelona (ES), and frequent Amsterdam (NL) and Berlin (DE). Before that, I have traveled and worked full-time across Europe, Asia, and the Americas. Meet me at meetups and conferences like Hatch and PenpotFest, or follow my travels.

In the past, I have helped out as a mentor for Ladies that UX Amsterdam. On GitLab I host open source projects such as my personal dotfiles. Additionally, feel free to check out my Figma profile for published templates.

Feel free to reach out.

2024.042024.12 bubblitFounder
2021.072023.08 PostmanSr. Product Designer Design Systems
2018.122019.02 GitLabInterim Product Manager
2016.082020.11 GitLabProduct/UX Designer CI/CD
2014.112016.08 FreelancerUI & Interaction Designer
S.DateE.Date CompanyRole

hi@dimitr.ie | +31 (0) 6 25 19 27 65
LinkedIn | Mastodon | Bluesky | More links
© 2025 Dimitrie Hoekstra — Barcelona
Last updated: 05.02.2025 |